How to remember Phasor diagram in R,L,C circuits?

So in the FIG-1 there is only one resistor in the circuit.similarly in FIG-2 & FIG-3 there are only inductor and capacitor in the corresponding circuits. 
In The Examination hall  we confuse about the phasor diagram of this circuit.
Mainly in the phasor diagram ,which one leads and which one lags ??

So Here is the solution:
remember this keyword "CIVIL".
In "CIVIL" keyword 1st 3 letters are "CIV". 
So in the capacitor circuit current leads and voltage lag.
Current leads the voltage by 90°.

Now in the "CIVIL" keyword last 3 letters are "VIL".
L-Inductive, I-Current ,  V-Voltage.
So in the inductive circuit voltage leads and current lag.
voltage leads the current by 90°.
 And we know that in the circuit which contain only resistor and a voltage/current source,
the voltage and current are in-phase.  
In FIG-4 Phasor diagram for resistive circuit.
In FIG-5 Phasor diagram for inductive circuit.
In FIG-6 Phasor diagram for capacitive circuit.


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